Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hong Kong Hotel Hijinks


As I was walking out of the airport in Hong Kong, eager to hop on the MTR, their version of the Metro, a line our pilot had said during his farewell address kept resonating with me, “We crossed the international date line, so Thursday’s gone. Ha-ha.” I knew about the International Date Line, I had checked and double checked my travel itinerary before booking my hotel in Hong Kong. I’m smart. I was certain that I was in Hong Kong for close to 30 hours. Just to be safe, and because the airport had free Wifi, I decided to take another look. I looked at my ticket and back at my itinerary. I changed the time zone on my iphone and it switched to Friday the 30th. Here is a picture of my itinerary:

THEY SCREWED ME MAN! Have you ever been swindled and pimped out of $70 because of an imaginary line on a globe?! I have now. Although, no hard feeling International Date Line, I know you serve a purpose, and you had to be somewhere. It really wasn’t even your fault. The real culprit is American Airlines. Their itinerary is dead-ass wrong. I did not arrive in Hong Kong on Thursday August 29th at 5:45 AM, I arrived in Hong Kong on Friday August 30th at 5:45 AM. How does an Airline whose only purpose (besides making money, cause, you know, capitalism) is to facilitate travel not understand how time zones and the International Date Line work?

But don’t you worry your pretty little heads my friends. As I sit here watching the sun rise elegantly over the misty peaks surrounding Hong Kong international airport, I am internally drafting and editing what will surely be a strongly worded email for my friends over at American Airlines. And if you are lucky enough to know my history in dealing with the customer service branches of large corporations, I like my chances.

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